Monday, September 20, 2010
Walgreens - $65.61 (received $45 RR)
I had a $26 something dollar store credit to burn, so I stocked up on a lot of stuff this week. I did pay a lot more then I usually do, but it's stuff we will use.
Total Before Coupons: $137.95 + $9.65 tax
Total After Coupons: $65.61
RR received: $45
FINAL Total Paid: $20.61 ($9.65 tax)
Meijer $2.10 (received $2 OYNO)
Ziploc bags - $1.89 ea
buy 3 receive $2 OYNO
(4) Ziploc backs - $7.56 (only 3 pictured... opened a pack!)
-(2) $1.50/2 MC
-(2) $1.50/2 Meijer
Paid: $2.10 ($0.53 tax)
Received: $2
FINAL TOTAL: $0.10 ($0.3 ea)
CVS - $11.75 (received $10 ECB)
Johnson & Johnson baby lotions and washes $2.50
Spend $25 in baby products get $10
Bought 10 J&J- $25
Used (10) $1/1 coupons
Used $5/$25
Paid: $11.75 ($1.75 tax)
Received: $10 ECB
Final TOTAL: $1.75 tax ($0.18 ea)
CVS - $86.10 (received $86.91 ECB + $10 MIR)
Total Before coupons: $142.84 + 9.99 tax
Total After Coupons: $86.10
ECB Earned: $86.91
Total Spent: $0.80 PROFIT (+$10 MIR for OLAY)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Opinion Outpost Instant Winner!! YEAH!!!

Ok, so I was pretty bummed because I had 7 survey opportunities, and I was down to the last one after only qualifying for 2 of them, and of course I get bumped. So I click the instant win and was about to close out the window when I had to do a double take at what was appearing on my screen. I WON?!?!! WHAT?! That almost NEVER happens to me! So, I was quite happy I did not make it that survey. My winnings went from a $2 survey to a $50 win =D
Sunday, August 29, 2010
CVS - Paid $60.25 (received $55 ECB)
TOTAL PAID: $1.99 cash, $1.79 gift card, $56.48 ECB
(2) Bounty Paper Towels - $31.98
(2) Glade Motion Sensor - $19.98
(2) Listerine Zero - $9.98
(2) Crest Clinical - $9.98
(6) John Frieda Conditioner - $41.94
(1) John Frieda Shampoo - $6.99 (not pictured...rylen got to it!)
(2) John Frieda GLAZE - $19.98
(1) Zegerid OTC - 12.79
(1) Lysol Hands free soap dispensor - $15.99
(2) Tylenol Precise Patch - $15.98
(1) Cracker Jack (not pictured) - $1.99
(1) Coke (not pictured) - $1.59
(1) Red Bull (not Pictured) - $2.29
Transaction 1
Paper Towels - $12.99 X 2 = $25.98 receive $10 ECB WYB $25
...Used (2).25/1
John Frieda Shampoo/Conditioner - $5.00 X 3 = $15 receive $5 ECB WYB $15
...Used (1) free item (-$5), $3/1, $2/1
Listerine - $3.99 receive $2 ECB
...Used $2/1
Crest Clinical - $3.50 recevie $2.50 ECB
...Used $.75/1
Zegerid OTC - $9.99 receive $7 ECB
...Used $3/1
Glade Motion Spray - $5 X 2 = $10 receive $3 ECB WYB $10
...Used (2) $3/1
Cracker Jacks - $1.79
Coke - $1.69
Total Before Coupons: $75.56
USED 20% OFF Purchase (-$16.53)
USED $5/$25, $22.25 in coupons
TOTAL: $28.15 + 3.63 tax
Paid: $29.99 ECB, used $1.79 gift card)
Received: $29.50 ECB ($10 PG, $5 Frieda, $2.50 Crest, $7 Zegerid, $3 Glade, $2 Listerine)
Transaction 2
John Frieda - $5 X 2 = $10 receive $5 ECB WYB $15
...Used (2)$3/1
John Frieda - $8
...Used (1) FREE ITEM (-$6.99)
Listerine - $3.99 receive $2 ECB
...Used $2/1
Crest Clinical - $3.50 recevie $2.50 ECB
...Used $.75/1
Tylenol Precise - $7.99 receive $3 ECB
...Used $2/1 store coupon, $2/1 (lowered to $1.50 for some reason)
Total before coupons: $33.47
Used: $19.24 in coupons
TOTAL: $14.23 + 1.99 tax
Paid: $14.49 ECB, $1.74 cash
Recieved: $12.50 ECB ($2 Listerine, $2.50 Crest, $5 Frieda, $3 Tylenol)
Transaction 3
John Frieda - $5 X 2 = $10 receive $5 ECB WYB $15
...Used (2)$3/1
John Frieda - $8
...Used (1) FREE ITEM (-$8)
Tylenol Precise - $7.99 receive $3 ECB
...Used $2/1 store coupon, $2/1
Lysol Hand Soap - $4.99 received $5 ECB
...Used $3/1
Red Bull Energy - $2.29
Total before coupons: $33.27
Used: $23 in coupons
TOTAL: $10.27 + 1.98 tax
Paid: $12 ECB, .25 cash
Received: $13 ECB ($3 Tylenol, $5 Lysol, $5 Frieda)
Walgreens $14.30 (received $10 RR)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
CVS- $18.64 (received $14 ECB)
Walgreens $16.06 (received $9 RR)
I paid $7 for everything pictured above!
(8) U by KOTEX ($3.99 = $31.92)
(24) Secret deodorant ($7.99 = $191.76)
(4) BIC pens ($1.99 = $7.96)
(8) 2 pocket folders (0.50 = $4)
(6) Composition books ($1.99 = $11.94)
(6) 2 pack Glue sticks ($1.50 = $9)
(2) Dial Body Wash ($4.99 = $9.98)
(3) 4 pack Sharpie Highlighter ($4.99 = $14.97)
TOTAL PAID: $16.06
Total RR Received: $9
Transaction 1
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) Dial BW- $3.99 (Used $1/1 dial)- $2.99
(2) U by Kotex- $7 (Used (2) $2/1 WAGS Coupon $ (2) $1/1 Man. Coup.)-$1
Total: $7.21
-2 RR
Paid: $5.21
Received: $3 RR from Dial & $3 RR from deodorant
Transaction 2
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) Dial BW- $3.99 (Used $1/1 dial)- $2.99
Total: $5.28
-$3 RR
Paid: $2.28
Received: $3 RR from Dial & $3 RR from deodorant
Transactioni 3-8
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) Glue stick- $.19
(1) Composition book- $.49
(1) 2 pocket folder- $.09
Total: $3.27
-$3 RR from previous transaction
Paid: $0.27
Received: $3 RR from deodorant
Transaction 9-11
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) Sharpie highlighter- $.99
Total: $3.51
-$3 RR
Paid: $.51
Received: $3 RR from deodorant
Transaction 12-17
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) U by Kotex- $3.50 (Used $2/1 WAG Coupon & $1/1 Manufacturer Coupon)-$.50
(1) 6 pack of Pencils- $.39
Total: $3.61
-$3 RR
Paid: $.61
Received: $3 RR from deodorant
Transaction 18-19
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) Reusable WAGS Shopping bag- $.69
(1) 2 pocket folder- $.09
Total: $3.28
-$3 RR
Paid: $.28
Received: $3 RR from deodorant
Transaction 20-23
(1) Secret deodorant- $2.29
(1) 8 pack BIC pens- $.79
Total: $3.30
-$3 RR
Paid: $.30
Received: $3 RR
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Walgreens $15.07 + tax
I did (3) different transactions, and combined both the 15% F&F discount, and a $5/$25 purchase that I had. (I was able to use the $5/$25 twice, but it wouldn't let me in the third transaction use it... it kept voiding it off)
I used:
(2) $5/$25 (separate transactions)
15% off
(4) $2.50/3 Huggie's
(4) $1/1 Scott
(1) $1/1 Listerine
(4) $1/1 Visine (received (2) $2/1 catalina)
-$12 Huggie's ($1/1 X 12)
-$17 Scott 1000 ($4.25/1 X 4)
-$4 Listerine ($2/1 X 1, $2/1 X 1)
-$16 Visine ($2/1 X 4, $2/1 X 4)
Total: $15.07
I used up all of my RR, and some on a W Card, so I had no Out Of Pocket, but am not to $0 on RR. My Very first transaction I did, I was buying the Alive, Complete, and Crayons. None of the RR printed. The manager said it was because of the 15%. So I then returned my stuff, and for the next two days was under the asumption I could only buy NON RR Items :( Well needless to say, when I was online last night and saw what every one was getting (mostly RR items) I was very frustrated! So unfortunately I missed out on an amazing time to multiply my RR, but instead I depleted them! I have now come to the conclusion my RR did not print because of my $5/$25... darn!!!
Target $2.22 + tax (which was $2.44)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
CVS- Spent $5.31 (.50 ea for Aveeno!)
CVS was having a great deal on Aveeno! Their baby Aveeno was on sale for only $3.99. Plus if you spent $20, you got a $10 ECB (A credit to spend next trip!) This is what my transaction looked like!!
(10) Sobe B1G1 free
- Used (5) B1g1 free Manufacturers coupons (yes, you can stack this with a B1G1 sale!)
(4) Aveeno Baby Lotions ($15.96)
- Used (4) $1/1 Aveeno Manufacturers Coupons
(1) Aveeno Baby Bath Treatment ($3.99)
- Used (1) $1/1 Aveeno Manufacturers Coupons
Used $4/$20 Transaction coupon from CVS (Gave this first before other coupons)
Used $10 ECB from a previous transaction
Payed $2.62 (had a store credit for $1.99, so only payed .63 Out Of Pocket)
Received $10 ECB
Went to a different store, and did the same thing! Only sub. one of the lotions for a diaper rash cream. I also got 2 more sobe's which added .07 to my second total!
Paid: $3.30 cash ($1.99 store credit)
Received $20 ECB
Saved: $93.18
Kroger trip!! Spent $2.15!!
Kroger had a 10/$10 sale on the deodorant and the toothpaste, and I had a ton of .50 coupons (which double up to $1), so I scored them all for just tax! I also had coupons for the body wash making them only .50 each :) I played the spin a wheel game on Kroger's website, and won a Rockstar and an A&W root-beer! My total WAS $4.31, but I returned 4 toothpaste (not pictured) and the two Ivory soaps. I forgot to give the cashier my Ivory soap coupons, which would have made them free...and now the coupons are expired :( So major bummer! The toothpaste I returned because I had a bunch of .75 coupons which did not double... and I just really did not NEED the extra toothpaste, even if it was only $1 for (4). So my grand total for everything came out to $2.15 for everything (including tax!!)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
My insane collection of stuff!!!
$6.53 KMART (received $10 credit)
KMART- Ok, so I am really lucky that I have an employee discount from my husband working at sears! This deal was super sweet with the extra 10% off! I paid $6.53 and received $10 credit!! Needless to say I will be going back for more coupon doubling!!!

I used (5) $2/1 (doubled to $4/1) Gillette BW / Deodorant, (1) $1/2 Old Spice, (2) BOGO Old Spice BW / Deod.
I used (5) $2/1 (doubled to $4/1) Gillette BW / Deodorant, (1) $1/2 Old Spice, (2) BOGO Old Spice BW / Deod.
$25.90 Walgreens (received $7 RR+10 MIR)
I Spent $5.90 OOP and used $20 RR for this, I received $7 RR and will do the $10 MIR from Febreze

I did 9 different transactions and rolled the tooth brushes until I ran out of coupons! I used the $0.19 pens as a filler! I did spend a lot of my RR with this, but I really wanted to get the OFF! and the MIR was a $4 MM, so who could pass that up?!
I did 9 different transactions and rolled the tooth brushes until I ran out of coupons! I used the $0.19 pens as a filler! I did spend a lot of my RR with this, but I really wanted to get the OFF! and the MIR was a $4 MM, so who could pass that up?!
$3.25 Walmart (The CD Sleeves were purchased with no coupons, and cost $4.88 alone)
After going through 3 different managers, and waiting about 15 minutes, they gave me the “OK” that I could use my coupons. At first, they said “no internet coupons allowed”, but I pressed the issue that I was told if they scanned it was ok. So she verified that, and scanned them. Well when she found out that the coupon was more then the value of the item, she said I couldn’t use the coupon. The front end manager backed her up. So I politely asked to speak with another manager. He said he wasn’t sure, so he went to another manager who said it was fine. It was kind of a hassle, but I was happy in the end!
My husband wanted those CD slips, which added $4.88, but with the overage, I only paid $3.25 OOP!!

There are some great deals to be had at Walmart this week! Here are some deals worth checking out – all free or even money makers. Now remember, prices may vary at your store…
Benadryl Itch Relief Sticks – $2.28
Buy 2, Use $5.00/2 Q from 4/11 RP (exp 7/31)
Final cost is 2 for FREE + possible $0.44 overage!
Tucks Pads (12ct) – $2.74
Use $3.00/1 Tucks Pads
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.26 overage!
STP Gas Treatment – $1.77
Use $2.00/1 STP Product
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.23 overage!
STP Fuel Injector & Carburetor Treatment – $1.87
Use $2.00/1 STP Product
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.13 overage!
Rayovac Batteries (2-4ct) – $0.94
Use $1.00/1 Rayovac Batteries
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.06 overage!
Rolaids (3 pk original rolls) – $1.98
Buy 2, Use $4.00/2 Q from 6/6 RP (exp 9/30)
Final cost is 2 for FREE + possible $0.04 overage!
Dentyne Gum (single) – $0.97
Use $1.00 Q from 6/13 SS (exp 8/8)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Pampers Wipes (64-72ct) – $1.97
Use $2.00 Q from 6/6 PG (exp 7/31)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Axe Deodorant or Body Spray (travel size) – $0.97
Use $1.00/1 Axe Deodorant or Body Spray
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Reach Floss – $0.97
Use $1.00 Q from 1/3 RP (exp 1/31/11)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Schick ST2 Slim Twins (12pk) Disposable Razors – $1.97
Use $2.00 Q from 6/27 SS (exp 7/25)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Purina Kitten Chow (16-18oz) – Price ?
Use FREE (up to $2.19) Q from 5/2 SS (exp 9/1)
Final cost is FREE!
Thanks Coupon Katarina!
My husband wanted those CD slips, which added $4.88, but with the overage, I only paid $3.25 OOP!!
There are some great deals to be had at Walmart this week! Here are some deals worth checking out – all free or even money makers. Now remember, prices may vary at your store…
Benadryl Itch Relief Sticks – $2.28
Buy 2, Use $5.00/2 Q from 4/11 RP (exp 7/31)
Final cost is 2 for FREE + possible $0.44 overage!
Tucks Pads (12ct) – $2.74
Use $3.00/1 Tucks Pads
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.26 overage!
STP Gas Treatment – $1.77
Use $2.00/1 STP Product
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.23 overage!
STP Fuel Injector & Carburetor Treatment – $1.87
Use $2.00/1 STP Product
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.13 overage!
Rayovac Batteries (2-4ct) – $0.94
Use $1.00/1 Rayovac Batteries
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.06 overage!
Rolaids (3 pk original rolls) – $1.98
Buy 2, Use $4.00/2 Q from 6/6 RP (exp 9/30)
Final cost is 2 for FREE + possible $0.04 overage!
Dentyne Gum (single) – $0.97
Use $1.00 Q from 6/13 SS (exp 8/8)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Pampers Wipes (64-72ct) – $1.97
Use $2.00 Q from 6/6 PG (exp 7/31)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Axe Deodorant or Body Spray (travel size) – $0.97
Use $1.00/1 Axe Deodorant or Body Spray
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Reach Floss – $0.97
Use $1.00 Q from 1/3 RP (exp 1/31/11)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Schick ST2 Slim Twins (12pk) Disposable Razors – $1.97
Use $2.00 Q from 6/27 SS (exp 7/25)
Final cost is FREE + possible $0.03 overage!
Purina Kitten Chow (16-18oz) – Price ?
Use FREE (up to $2.19) Q from 5/2 SS (exp 9/1)
Final cost is FREE!
Thanks Coupon Katarina!
$2.10 Target (Pampers jumbo pack not pictured)
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