What a fun day for shopping!! I am loving this 15% and 20% off friends and family discount! (prices shown are after discount of either 15% or 20% W brand)
Before Shopping, I returned (5) Wags diapers, and (3) Ziploc bags because I bought them earlier in the week, and wanted to use the F&F discount. So I received a W Card with $27.84 on it.
Transaction 1(1) Luster Toothpaste 5.09 = $5.09 ($4 RR)
(2) Colgate Toothpaste 2.55 ea = $10.19 ($4 RR)
(4) Nescafe Coffee Single Serve 7pk .85 ea = $13.59 ($4 RR)
- $1.50/1 Luster Man. Coupon = $12.09
- $1.50/1 Colgate Man. Coupon = $10.59 (I just realized I thought it was $1.50/2... so I goofed)
+ $0.71 tax
Total: $11.30 after tax (received $12 RR)
Used W Card, $0 OOP
Transaction 2(1) Luster Toothpaste 5.09 = $5.09 ($4 RR)
(2) Colgate Toothpaste 2.55 ea = $10.19 ($4 RR)
(4) Nescafe Coffee Single Serve 7pk .85 ea = $13.59 ($4 RR)
- $1.50/1 Luster Man. Coupon = $12.09
- $1.50/1 Colgate Man. Coupon = $10.59 (I just realized I thought it was $1.50/2... so I goofed)
- $1.50/3 Nescafe Catalina from prev. transaction = $9.09
+ $0.71 tax
Total: $9.80
EBT paid: $3.40 (forgot to use last transaction)
Total Paid: $6.40 (received $12 RR)
Used W Card, $0 OOP
Transaction 3(6) Wags Diapers 4.79 ea = $28.74
(3) Ziploc bags 1.69 ea = $33.81 (Not Pictured)
(1) Monster Energy Drink 2.29 ea = $36.10 (Not Pictured)
- $9.60 Wags diaper infant care (1.60*6) = $26.50
- $24 RR = $2.50
+ $1.86 tax
Total: $4.36 (received $10 MIR)
Used W Card, $0 OOP
Transaction 4-7(4) Nescafe Single Serve Coffee 7pk .85 ea = $3.40
- $1.50/3 Catalina from prev. transaction = $1.90
EBT Paid: $1.90 (received $4 RR)
I ended up with $16 RR from all the Nescafe Purchases, and $5.78 on my W card. I went to 4 different Walgreens so I didn't clear any shelves. We have 4 with-in a 10 mile radius, so I didn't really waste any gas, as it was on our way while doing all our errands :) I also would have been $3 better off if I had known that the Colgate coupon was off of ONE and not TWO. I got confused with the 2/$6 price. Bummer. But I think I still did amazing!!
Grand Total: $33.06W Card: $22.06 ($5.78 left)
EBT: $11
Received $16 RR and $10 MIR